
I don't have much to say about myself, actually.

I like to learn, code, read mangas, watch anime, play any type of game and, as you can see at the right, coffee!

This is more like a sandbox than a portifolio, I'm being kinda brief and shallow, but here you'll see a lot more than an actual portifolio should have (and you'll understand a lot more about my persona, while at it).

I'm great at

I mainly work on Web Designing and Web Development, but I can handle doing Mobile Apps or Editing videos too.

Web Designing

Web Development

Mobile Apps

Video Editing


Here goes a brief description of the projects you'll find below:
For now, you'll find some games and tools developed to help people on a specific task.


This is a project made to help people on doing calculations based on HH:MM. It also includes the calculation of night reduction, a specific conversion transforms 52 minutes and 30 seconds during the night shift, to 1 work hour in total (it's called night 'reduction' because this means in the end employees should work less during the night shift).


This is a game made by watching a tutorial on Youtube. I plan to expand it by creating online "rooms", that people can join and create to play among friends.

You can connect with me on:

youtube logo twitch logo discord logo gmail logo linkedin logo